5 Fandom Friday: Comfort Films


I took a couple of weeks off from doing 5 Fandom Friday, but wanted to jump back in with this week’s theme. I love TV, but I also love my fair share of movies (obviously, did you see the picture of my collection in the last Fandom 5 post?!) When I think “comfort films”, I think of movies that always put me in a good mood, and that I have watched multiple times and am not sick and tired of it yet.


It’s only like my all-time favourite movie. I don’t know what it is, but I can ALWAYS watch this movie. Well, in actuality, the obvious answer is the dancing. I feel like my love for dance reached a whole other level after I saw this movie. The movie as a whole puts me in a good mood, but if I need a quick pick-me-up, the finale dance pretty much does the trick.


Reese Witherspoon at her comedic best. Elle Woods and her incredibly positive attitude is certainly one of the best cures for a crappy day. Every time this movie plays on TV, I most certainly will stop and watch it. And again, if for some reason I need a quick pick-me-up “Omigod You Guys” or “There Right There!” from the Legally Blonde musical soundtrack will do the trick.


This is a new addition to my comfort films list, because sinceriously, I can’t stop talking about it! I just love this movie so damn much!


I love my animated movies too. Really, pretty much any Disney and/or Pixar movie could be put on this list – Beauty & the Beast, Lilo & Stitch, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, etc. Though what’s NOT to love about Monsters, Inc.? It might just be my top comfort animated film right now because my niece is also in love with it and always wants to watch it.


I had trouble picking this last spot because I wanted to pick a movie that I pretty much grew up loving – Matilda, The Mighty Ducks, Little Giants, The Little Rascals – but ultimately settled on Clueless. Why? Because it was just SO of its time. I mean, granted, I was 7 when it initially came out, so a lot of the stuff in the movie went right over my head. However, as I grew older and understood more of it, it just turned out to be such a fun movie that I completely love and despite being slightly dated looking back 20 years, it’s a classic teen movie.

So, there’s my 5 comfort films – no cheating this time around! (Though I still probably could’ve went on and on!)

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